Monthly Archives: January 2018


Spiritual lessons that ripen with age – a conversation with Terry Patten

Life is a journey. We all know that the more we are walking along the path, one day after the other, from one year to the next, until we find ourselves "old". When that point comes in life is different for everyone, but some day there comes the recognition that we have gone ahead, that our life has changed and with that the way we are living it and the expectations and ideas we have about it. Some of us might have started a spiritual journey in early years. Religious beliefs were available to us from childhood and since the 60ies of the past century also what we call “spirituality”. Many of us call ourselves “spiritual, but not religious” and it seems to make a huge difference. Well, I am not [...]

By |2018-01-16T17:36:04+02:00January 16th, 2018|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Video posts, Videos|0 Comments

Longevity can be learned

Getting older is inevitable - but how you age is not Every year SAND (Science and Non-Duality) is organising a conference in USA and here in Italy, not far from where I live. Fortunately, many contributions are published on YouTube and lately we found this one about AGEING. The tendency of us humans to believe in the stories which our culture teaches us and then behave accordingly is not yet recognized fully. The talk by Mario Martinez (watch the video above) shows it very clearly and encourages us to "change our minds", literally. Mario Martinez has done research on more than 300 people older than 100 to discover how they see life and how they got there. One of the many things he found out is the importance of rituals, or good [...]

By |2018-01-08T18:02:55+02:00January 8th, 2018|Blog Posts, Videos|0 Comments

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