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The e-book: WANTING TO KNOW –
is available as iBook or pdf download




Our work was supposed to be presented at the Integral European Conference 2020 in May in Hungary. Because of the Corona Virus the Conference took place online. I post the short video which I had prepared for the live conference in this page, as well as the other actual contributions on Conscious Ageing at the online event.
Find out the upcoming events as well as all the past sessions HERE

Mark’s introduction to this website

A peculiarly American insult, to tell someone that they’re history means that their “time” is over, make way for the new blood, take your pension and go play golf. Join a knitting circle!

At Orange, once you are no longer productive, either as a producer or as a consumer (on your reduced income) you become a non-entity economically. Television ads are no longer trying to get YOU to buy anything.

But today that “history” phase of life can last over 30 years, perhaps longer than your “productive” years from 30 to 65 or so. A whole new demographic is emerging that at least can and will vote. So they can’t be ignored completely. And they will not be content with the victim labels of a marginalized group “granted” recognition, however well meaning, by post modern caregivers and charitable organizations.

Like all “de-marginalized” groups, these ”elders” will eventually self organize and form a huge and varied interest group who will not be content with “retirement ghettos” where silence reigns and grandchildren are allowed only for short visits.

And when they do, watch out! Huge changes for all of society will ensue. Obviously who will take “care” of them? And there aren’t enough younger people gainfully employed to endlessly fill the pension plan treasuries for all these old folks. And these 60 to 90+ people want to live independently or in self governing group situations without the usual patronizing guidance of the state.

No longer will they be the “throw-away” people that their own parents and grandparents were. Competent, healthy, and having “out-lived” the values of earlier periods of their lives, when family, career, acquisition and fleeting prestige ruled, they can re-emerge as respected elders, as wise companions, as role models, even as trusted leaders who know how to navigate unprecedented change.

Come join us as we investigate the unexplored possibilities of these new decades of life, as well as the inevitable end of it, that we can design in feedback with our children and grandchildren.

Mark Davenport

Join us at http://bit.ly/integralageing

Spiritual lessons that ripen with age – a conversation with Terry Patten

By |January 16th, 2018|Categories: Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Video posts, Videos|

Life is a journey. We all know that the more we are walking along the path, one day after the other, from one year to the next, until we find ourselves "old". When that [...]

Women and horses – a beneficial relationship in all ages

By |December 3rd, 2017|Categories: Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Video posts|Tags: , , , |

Many people are fascinated by horses and girls are said to especially love horses and riding horseback. In my youth it was a fashion to do gymnastics on moving horses, "equestrian vaulting", too expensive then [...]


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