Many people are fascinated by horses and girls are said to especially love horses and riding horseback. In my youth it was a fashion to do gymnastics on moving horses, “equestrian vaulting”, too expensive then for me to ever think of. And horses are high, too dangerous, I might fall off!

So I really never entered into close contact with horses except touching and stroking their big head sometimes when I knew it was not dangerous. I love animals and i admire and respect horses, I find them really beautiful creatures and I have read about deep friendships between horses and humans.

And now comes Alice MacGillivray and tells us that getting in contact and even riding horses in the older years of our lives is something really amazing and beneficial! Incredible, but true.


After the conversation we had with her in the Wisdom Factory i fell the temptation to get my courage together and to get into contact with a horse, maybe even riding it when it is an appropriate thing to do. I would love to – and my age is no excuse, as Alice is telling me clearly. So it is time to overcome my private ageism. Mmhm. New things to learn, new challenges to overcome in service of a meaningful and active time of our ageing process.

New things to learn keeps us young. (wondering if saying that is already ageism in these times of exaggerated PC speech?)

Also published on Medium.