
Martin Luther King fought against discrimination and Racism

In the last Century, people brought awareness to the  discrimination of certain parts of the population. First, it was all about RACISM, the request for the decent inclusion of people of a different race into society. Talking about America it certainly was about the inclusion of the African Americans as full citizens. With the rise of the 6th level of consciousness in the 6oies and the upcoming Feminism, SEXISM entered into the awareness of our Western Societies. The discrimination of women was so natural in patriarchy, it needed the often even violent expression of

Women opposing men on a chess board

Women opposing men – the fight against Sexism begins

With the rise of the 6th level of consciousness in the 6oies and the upcoming Feminism, SEXISM entered into the awareness of our Western Societies. The discrimination of women was so natural in patriarchy, it needed the often even violent expression of  the self-authorized behavior of the feminists to gain the possibilities in all professions and in Society which we women have today.

The next overlooked chunk of society which is under constant discrimination are older people. Society prescribes what they can do or not do, how they can live and be cared for, who they should be and, all together, what they shouldn’t be: a burden for the economy and an obstacle for the young, The image of older age was widely accepted, by young and old equally, and if somebody didn’t fit in they were attacked, belittled, laughed at and what not. We are now calling this way of thinking and behaving AGEISM.

Young face instead of old face

Want to see him young` This is AGESIM

“In your age, what do you expect?” – “I am too old (too young) for XYZ” and similar are AGEIST  expressions and it is time that we stop to think and communicate  in ageist ways.

The Wisdom Factory started the series CONSCIOUS AGEING with Ashton Applewhite, a writer, and activist against Ageing. Last October she was a keynote speaker at the UN, on November 18th she spoke with us, Heidi and Mark in a live broadcast of The Wisdom Factory.

Watch here the replay of the show