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David Harry Stewart: PHOTO-THERAPIST!

  David Harry Stewart Heidi and I interviewed the high end fashion and advertising photographer, David Harry Stewart, as part of our "Conscious Ageing" series that you can find on our website, I, if not Heidi, approached the conversation with some trepidation because David is a very talented artist, which is a "genre" of person whom I've always held in a bit of awe, like another kind of creature in contrast to me.  So how would we relate personally? Luckily, he turned promptly into a human who was very personable and seemed interested in who we were also.  Thus the talk flowed quite easily among the three of us so that as we got "into it" some insights emerged.  One of those I want to talk about. As he [...]

By |2017-05-28T17:08:44+02:00May 28th, 2017|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

How to keep the brain alive and make longevity easy

Can you do something for longevity? Singing together for performance There are many proven ways to keep our brains alive and to work towards longevity. For instance engaging in music, especially in singing, is a good way to enhance the connection between the two brain hemispheres. If you sing in a choir there is the additional benefit the social connection with the others and the flow experiences when you participate in an exhibition. Hands of an older person playing the piano Playing the piano is commonly known as one of the most challenging tasks for the brain, especially when played at first sight: you need to translate what you see in no time into your 10 fingers. Imagine an organ player who is using his feet, too, independently from [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:12+02:00February 13th, 2017|Blog Posts, collected articles|0 Comments

Ashton Applewhite – The Time is NOW

Ashton Applewhite holding her keynote speech at the UN Ashton Applewhite is an agent against discrimination for age. For many years she is dedicating herself to create an Anti-Ageism-Movement. She is a keynote speaker in many important places like the UN commission for Ageism (we talked about that before), and she also gave us the honor to open our series CONSCIOUS AGEING at The Wisdom Factory. Since the elections in the USA, the landscape has changed dramatically and minorities have all reasons to fear that their discrimination will not only not be alleviated, but reinforced by a president and a government who enjoys fascist ways of thinking and being. Trump in Hitler posture(Thanks to the artist who is unknown to me) As native German, I still feel the panic [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:12+02:00February 1st, 2017|Blog Posts, collected articles, Integral Aging|0 Comments

Sameness or difference – what is better for a good relationship?

When we get older we probably have had our experience with sameness in our relationships and also with differences. Maybe you have come to the conclusion about what is better, sameness or difference? Which is better? What do we want in a relationship? Sameness If you made a list of what you want in an intimate relationship you probably would name love mutual understanding sexual attraction harmony collaboration and probably other items for which we long and which we haven't experienced fully in our previous relationships.   In the Conscious Ageing series, we talked with Michaela Boehm who gave us some interesting insights into why we don't get what we want - as long as we want always everything at the same time. When we and our partner have a lot [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:12+02:00January 17th, 2017|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

Die young as late as possible

An old Facebook friend, Albert Klamt, suggested I contact a certain Hans Parge whose slogan, Die young as late as possible, made him an interesting addition to our list of proposed guests for our series on Conscious Ageing. Hans Parge I contacted him and we soon did meet via Skype for a face to face...and it felt like he was interviewing me! Curious, I went along with this approach, feeling for sometime like he was seeing if I was someone to take seriously. OK, I can understand “vetting” an interviewer, and he did speak to me with every courtesy and politeness as he inquired. But I needed to see if he was right for our show as well. I came to understand that he had worked for big pharmaceutical firms [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:13+02:00January 1st, 2017|Blog Posts, Integral Aging|0 Comments

How love increases and happiness enters life

Life is all about love - even if we don’t want to admit it. We desperately need the love from our caregivers in childhood and later we search love in our relationships. And all our life long we are trying to figure out how love increases and with that our happiness. Happiness enters our life when we FEEL happy with whatever happens in or around us! - That seems to be a contradiction in itself: how can you feel happy when unfortunate things occur, when you lose your job or a loved one? What is happiness? Sitting - a spiritual practice which can lead to equanimity Well, we are talking about 2 different ways happiness is understood. Often people think they will be happy when they have reached x, or [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:13+02:00December 21st, 2016|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

Ageing is a taboo topic – why?

AGEING is a taboo topic - probably because it is connected with DEATH - and everyone fears death and tries to avoid it. Well, we all know that we cannot avoid death, this is the only certainty we have in life, but we don't want to be reminded that our time on earth is limited. Collectively we live in fear of death and hope in magical thinking that it won't visit us if we don't speak about it - with the result that the FEAR increases into excessive levels. What if we knew that dying is a great experience? Love and light is expecting us and we will literally "come home"? There is a lot of evidence that our death will be an incredible experience. Below I will post some videos regarding [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:13+02:00December 15th, 2016|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

Where do you want to arrive in your life ?

What do you want in your life as a young person? What do we Desire from Life From early on we are asked - and we ask ourselves: where do you want to arrive in your life? As a teenager or young adult, it seems to be all about the profession and about love and creating a family. Later the focus shifts to being successful in our career, as parents or in whatever else we are doing. Then, very often between 40 and 50, there comes a moment of crisis, of re-orientation, of thinking over our goals and our values. This happens often in consequence of the children leaving home, the spouse getting oriented elsewhere or a burnout at work. Other scenarios are possible, like losing the job, encountering bankruptcy etc. They [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:13+02:00December 10th, 2016|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

What to do to become wise and calm when getting older?

When you realize that life is not eternal you most likely ask yourself questions like "What can I do to become wise and calm now that I am getting older?". For someone, it starts around the 50ies birthday, for others later or even earlier. It is the eternal quest: Why do we live here on earth and what are we meant to be and to do. The 4 Quadrants - Spiral Dynamics Integral NL Integral Theory gives us a good map about what to consider when we want to give answers to questions of whatever kind. Regarding our personal life, Ken WILBER, TERRY PATTEN (who will be guest in our Conscious Ageing Series, too) and 2 others have written a most valuable book "INTEGRAL LIFE PRACTICE" which gives indications and [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:14+02:00December 6th, 2016|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments

The Possibilities when Getting Older

Possibility through the energy of our heart So what are our possibilities - especially when getting older? Since the New Age times, we believe that we have infinite possibilities - if we only think positive. Well, this is right and not right. It is not just that you WANT something and then it HAPPENS - although many promoters of the Law of Attraction try to make us believe. They are not wrong, but things are not so simple as they tell people - who then get frustrated if it didn't work out for them. In "The Science of Possibility" Jon Freeman talks about similar things which can happen, about our potential to make them happen - and about the difficulty to open up the potential and allow it to become [...]

By |2017-04-03T10:07:15+02:00November 26th, 2016|Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|0 Comments
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