Collected Articles2017-12-04T12:32:02+02:00
  • poster integral ageing

Good News about Altzheimer’s!

By |May 1st, 2017|Categories: collected articles, Integral Aging|Tags: , |

Some actual "hard" science here and I'm talking about objective facts about the human body as official science currently understands the feared form of dementia so many older people fear, Alzheimer's! Lisa Genova in this [...]

How to keep the brain alive and make longevity easy

By |February 13th, 2017|Categories: Blog Posts, collected articles|Tags: , , , , |

Can you do something for longevity? Singing together for performance There are many proven ways to keep our brains alive and to work towards longevity. For instance engaging in music, especially in singing, is [...]

Ashton Applewhite – The Time is NOW

By |February 1st, 2017|Categories: Blog Posts, collected articles, Integral Aging|

Ashton Applewhite holding her keynote speech at the UN Ashton Applewhite is an agent against discrimination for age. For many years she is dedicating herself to create an Anti-Ageism-Movement. She is a keynote [...]

Sameness or difference – what is better for a good relationship?

By |January 17th, 2017|Categories: Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|Tags: , |

When we get older we probably have had our experience with sameness in our relationships and also with differences. Maybe you have come to the conclusion about what is better, sameness or difference? Which is [...]

What to do to become wise and calm when getting older?

By |December 6th, 2016|Categories: Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|

When you realize that life is not eternal you most likely ask yourself questions like "What can I do to become wise and calm now that I am getting older?". For someone, it starts around [...]

Did you know that discrimination by age is called AGEISM?

By |November 19th, 2016|Categories: Blog Posts, Integral Aging, Videos|

Martin Luther King fought against discrimination and Racism In the last Century, people brought awareness to the  discrimination of certain parts of the population. First, it was all about RACISM, the request for the [...]

Choose Between Agist, Ageist, Agism,Ageism, Aging, and Ageing

By |November 11th, 2016|Categories: Blog Posts, collected articles, Integral Aging|

We're already a few months into this Ageism/Ageist/Ageing project! And what do those terms mean? We've never yet really defined how we use them - not and not in our pages in Facebook or Google+. And they need [...]

Caffeine combats dementia? – What every female coffee drinker wants to hear:

By |October 6th, 2016|Categories: Blog Posts|

What every FEMALE coffee drinker wants to hear! They only studied women so us guys will have to wait.  But if you're a coffee or tea drinker - or even a cola drinker! - this [...]

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